Richland Energy Services - Energy Efficient Commercial Lighting Program in Washington - EnergyBot

Richland Energy Services - Energy Efficient Commercial Lighting Program

January 24, 2025


The City of Richland (COR) provides rebates to encourage commercial utility customers to increase the energy efficiency of facilities by replacing existing lighting systems with more efficient equipment. The rebate amount varies widely depending on the type of lighting being installed and the lighting type being replaced. Incentives cannot exceed 70% of the total project cost, and projects must achieve at least a 30% wattage reduction and carry a simple payback of at least one year to qualify.  City of Richland Energy Services will mail the rebate to the customer or contractor within 60 days. Inspection requirements are listed on the program web site. Contact the City of Richland for more information on how to participate in this program.


Program Overview

Implementing Sector: Utility
Category: Financial Incentive
State: Washington
Incentive Type: Rebate Program
Web Site:
Administrator: City of Richland
Start Date:
Eligible Renewable/Other Technologies:
  • Lighting
Incentive Amount: Must call for direct incentive amounts: 70% of entire lighting project is max incentive.
Maximum Incentive: 70% of the total cost
Equipment Requirements: Project must demonstrate at least a 30% wattage reduction
Installation Requirements: All disposed materials, including PCB ballasts, must be recycled in accordance with current environmental laws. A description of the method of disposal must be provided to COR.


This program has 1 incentives
Technologies: Lighting
Sectors: Commercial
Parameters: The incentive is 70.00 %


Name: Energy Services
Organization: City of Richland
Address: 625 Swift Blvd. MS-21
Richland WA 99352
Phone: (509) 942-7431

This information is sourced from DSIRE; the most comprehensive source of information on incentives and policies that support renewables and energy efficiency in the United States. Established in 1995, DSIRE is operated by the N.C. Clean Energy Technology Center at N.C. State University.