Central Lincoln People's Utility District - Renewable Energy Incentive Program

October 31, 2023


Central Lincoln People's Utility District provides financial incentives for its commercial and residential customers to install photovoltaic (PV), solar water heating, wind, or hydro electric systems on their property. Customer’s may also pair a battery storage system with any qualifying generation system, however, the battery system must have 1 kW-dc of nameplate capacity for every 5 kWh of battery storage. Projects must be submitted to Central Lincoln for technical review and approval before installation. As a part of this program, customers must agree to net metering customers terms. Rebate programs are based on the availability of funds and are subject to change at any time without notice.

Program Overview

Implementing Sector: Utility
Category: Financial Incentive
State: Oregon
Incentive Type: Rebate Program
Web Site: https://clpud.org/energy-efficiency/renewable-energy-programs/renewable-energy-storage-rebates/
Administrator: Central Lincoln People's Utility District
Start Date:
Eligible Renewable/Other Technologies:
  • Solar Water Heat
  • Solar Photovoltaics
  • Wind (All)
  • Wind (Small)
  • Hydroelectric (Small)
  • Lithium-ion
Incentive Amount: PV and Wind: $500/kW-DC
Solar Water Heating: $800/system
Hydro Electric: $0.05/kWh/Yr
Maximum Incentive: PV (Residential): $2,000
Solar Water Heating: $800
Wind: $2,000
Hydro Electric: $2,000
Battery Storage: $2,000
Equipment Requirements: PV: Systems must be comprised of new, UL listed components
Solar Water Heating Systems (Residential): Must be OG-300 certified and included on the Energy Trust of Oregon Eligible Residential Systems List.
Solar Water Heating Systems (Commercial): Must use OG-100 certified collectors and be pre-approved by the Oregon Department of Energy Business Energy Tax Credit Pre-Application process
Wind: Must qualify for Oregon Residential or Business Energy Tax Credit as defined by the technical requirements established by the Wind guidelines in the Oregon Administrative Rules
Installation Requirements: PV and Solar Water Heating: Installations must be completed and certified by a state of Oregon Tax Credit Certified Technician. Must have a solar resource of 75%.
Wind: Must be installed in an area with average wind speeds of at least 10 mph at the proposed installation height based on either a state or national wind resource map for that region, or at least one year of site specific wind speed and direction data
Hydro Electric: Must be installed outside of environmentally protected areas and in accord with all applicable water rights and FERC exemptions or permits.


This program has 5 incentives
Technologies: Solar Water Heat
Sectors: Commercial, Nonprofit, Residential, Federal Government, Multifamily Residential, Low Income Residential
Parameters: The incentive is 800.00 $/Unit
Technologies: Solar Photovoltaics
Sectors: Residential, Low Income Residential
Parameters: The incentive is 500.00 $/kW, The incentive has a minimum of $2000.00
Technologies: Wind (All), Wind (Small)
Sectors: Commercial, Nonprofit, Residential, Federal Government, Multifamily Residential, Low Income Residential
Parameters: The incentive is 500.00 $/kW, The incentive has a minimum of $2000.00
Technologies: Hydroelectric (Small)
Sectors: Commercial, Nonprofit, Residential, Federal Government, Multifamily Residential, Low Income Residential
Parameters: The incentive is 0.05 $/kWh (1 year), The incentive has a minimum of $2000.00
Technologies: Lithium-ion
Sectors: Commercial, Nonprofit, Residential, Federal Government, Multifamily Residential, Low Income Residential
Parameters: The incentive has a minimum of $2000.00


Name: Efficiency Rebates
Organization: Central Lincoln PUD
Address: 5605 NE Elam Young Parkway
Hillsboro OR 97124
Phone: (888) 883-9879
Email: rebates@esgroupllc.com

This information is sourced from DSIRE; the most comprehensive source of information on incentives and policies that support renewables and energy efficiency in the United States. Established in 1995, DSIRE is operated by the N.C. Clean Energy Technology Center at N.C. State University.