Pay for Performance Program in New Jersey - EnergyBot

Pay for Performance Program

June 09, 2023


NOTE: Applications for the programs must be submitted before June 30, 2017 in order to be eligible for FY 2017 incentives. 

The New Jersey Clean Energy Program (NJCEP) offers the Pay for Performance incentive program for comprehensive energy efficiency for whole-building improvements. The incentives are categorized into Existing Buildings and New construction. The program is available to all commercial and industrial buildings. The program is administered by the NJ Board of Public Utilities.


The program is funded by the State Societal Benefits Charge (SBC), hence it is only available to non-residential retail electric and/or gas service customers of the following New Jersey utilities that collect the SBC: Atlantic City Electric, Jersey Central Power & Light, Rockland Electric Company, New Jersey Natural Gas, Elizabethtown Gas, PSE&G, and South Jersey Gas.  Customers that purchase only natural gas from a participating utility are only eligible to receive incentives for natural gas measures.

In order to qualify for the Existing Buildings program, commercial and industrial buildings must have a peak demand of kilowatt (kW) of at least 200 kW  in any of the most recent last months, multifamily buildings can have a peak demand of 100 kW. 

New commercial, industrial and multifamily buildings must have 50,000 sq ft or more of gross heated/conditioned space and must have targeted 15% energy reduction in order to qualify for the New Commercial Buildings program. Market Manger has the discretion of approving the projects that are less than 10% below the requirement.

Hospitals, public college and universities, non-profits, affordable multifamily housing, and local governmental entities are exempt the 100 kW and 50,000 sq ft requirement.

Program Description

The program requires participants to use an approved Program Partner (see website for a list of approved partners) in order to receive incentives. The Program Partners are qualified energy efficiency technicians who work directly with the program participant to recommend and install energy efficient measures in the buildings.  

Rather than offering specific rebate levels for specific equipment types, the Pay for Performance program calculates the performance incentive (Payments II and III below) as a variable $/kWh, $/therm, or $/sq. ft. incentive based on projected energy savings. Three separate payments exist based on the achievement of program milestones (described below). Incentive amounts are arrived at differently for existing buildings and new construction projects

The incentives are offed in three phases upon completion of each of the program milestones, i) approval of an Energy Reduction Plan, ii) installation of all recommended measures per plan, and iii) completion of post-construction benchmarking report.

Program Overview

Implementing Sector: State
Category: Financial Incentive
State: New Jersey
Incentive Type: Rebate Program
Web Site:
Administrator: New Jersey Board of Public Utilities, Office of Clean Energy
Start Date:
Eligible Renewable/Other Technologies:
  • Lighting
  • Chillers
  • Furnaces
  • Boilers
  • Air conditioners
  • Energy Mgmt. Systems/Building Controls
  • Motors
  • Comprehensive Measures/Whole Building
Incentive Amount: Awarded based on completion of three program milestones
See Program Guide for full details.

Existing Buildings
Incentive 1: Energy Reduction Plan
  $7,500-$50,000, $0.15/sq ft, not to exceed 50% of facilities annual energy expenditure;

Incentive 2: Installation of Recommended Measures
  25% of the total project cost;
  Base incentive 15% savings: $0.09/kWh saved, $0.90/Therm saved
  For each % over 15%: $0.005/KWh saved, $0.05/Therm saved
  Maximum Incentive: $0.11/kWh saved, $1.25/Therm saved

Incentive 3: Post-Construction Benchmarking Report
  Incentive cap is 25% of total project cost

Enhanced incentives are equal to an additional 100% of the incentives #2 and #3 listed above. The incentives are subject to a cap of 80% of the Applicant’s cost for the project allocated between Incentive #2 and #3:

Incentive 2: Installation of Recommended Measures
  Electric Savings Additional Incentive: $0.09-$0.11/per projected kWh saved
  Gas Savings Additional Incentive: $0.90-$1.25/per projected Therm saved

Incentive 3: Post-Construction Benchmarking Report
  Electric Savings Additional Incentive: $0.09-$0.11/per projected kWh saved
  Gas Savings Additional Incentive: $0.90-$1.25/per projected Therm saved

New Construction
  Minimum Cost Reduction
    15% - Multifamily
    5% - All Other

Incentive 1: Proposed Energy Reduction Plan
  $0.10/sq ft for ERP +0 -1.9% above
  $0.12/sq ft for ERP +2 – 4.9% above
  $0.14/sq ft for ERP +5% or greater
    Maximum: $50,000.00
    Pre-Design Bonus: $0.04/sq ft
    Maximum Bonus : $20,000.00

Incentive 2: Installation and Commissioning of Measures
  +0 – 1.9%: $1.00/sq ft
  +2 – 4.9% : $1.20/sq ft
  +5% or greater: $1.40/sq ft

Incentive 3 : Building Performance
  Flat: $0.40/sq ft

Commercial and Multifamily
Incentive 1: Proposed Energy Reduction Plan
 $0.08/sq ft for ERP +0 -1.9% above
  $0.10/sq ft for ERP +2 – 4.9% above
  $0.12/sq ft for ERP +5% or greater
    Maximum: $50,000
    Pre-Design Bonus: $0.04/sq ft
    Maximum Bonus $20,000

Incentive 2: Installation and Commissioning of Measures
  +0 – 1.9%: $0.80/sq ft
  +2 – 4.9%: $1.00/sq ft
  +5% or greater: $1.20/sq ft

Incentive 3 : Building Performance
  Flat: $0.35/sq ft
Maximum Incentive: Incentives are capped at the lesser of the following:

o Incentives #1, #2, and #3 combined will not exceed $2 million per project, assuming both electric and natural gas measures are recommended and implemented. Should only electric measures, or only gas measures, be recommended and implemented then the total of Incentive #1, #2, and #3 combined shall not exceed $1 million per project. The latter applies to electric-only facilities as well.

o $4 million per entity per program fiscal year based on date of Proposed ERP approval.
Eligible System Size: Existing Buildings: Peak demand greater than 200 kW in any last 12 months for commercial and industrial facilities, and 100 kW for multifamily facilities

New Construction: Greater than 50,000 sq feet
Installation Requirements: Must be installed by approved Program Partner

Existing building: Must achieve a minimum 15% source energy reduction target

New construction: Must have an energy cost reduction of 15% from ASHRAE 90.1-2013.


Name: New Jersey Clean Energy Program - Pay For Performance
Organization: c/o TRC Energy Services
Address: 900 Route 9 North, Suite 104
Woodbridge NJ 07095
Phone: (732) 855-0033

This information is sourced from DSIRE; the most comprehensive source of information on incentives and policies that support renewables and energy efficiency in the United States. Established in 1995, DSIRE is operated by the N.C. Clean Energy Technology Center at N.C. State University.