Avista Utilities (Electric) - Commercial Lighting Energy Efficiency Program in Idaho - EnergyBot

Avista Utilities (Electric) - Commercial Lighting Energy Efficiency Program

July 16, 2013


Avista Utilities' Commercial Lighting Program provides incentives for lighting upgrades. New construction projects and proved energy saving lighting measures not listed on rebate form are evaluated on a site-specific basis. Incentive amounts vary; some common lighting upgrades eligible for incentives through the program include:

  • High bay HID lighting to T5 or T8 fluorescents
  • Incandescent to CFL Lamp and Fixture
  • Incandescent to LED
  • Incandescent to LED or cold cathode fluorescents
  • Incandescent exit signs to LED exit signs
  • Installation of occupancy sensors
  • Installation of individually controlled daylighting ballasts


Program Overview

Implementing Sector: Utility
Category: Financial Incentive
State: Idaho
Incentive Type: Rebate Program
Web Site: https://www.avistautilities.com/business/rebates/Pages/IDCommercialRebates.aspx
Administrator: Avista Utilities
Start Date:
Eligible Renewable/Other Technologies:
  • Lighting
  • Lighting Controls/Sensors
  • Other EE
  • LED Lighting
Incentive Amount: Custom: $0.08-$0.20/first year kWh saved
Single Lamp T8 Fixtures: $8 - $40
4/8-Foot T5/T8 (Interior): $16 - $128
CFL Lamp/Fixture (Interior): $15 - $25
LED Lighting (Interior) $10 - $34
Linear LED/T8 Fixture: $40
Ceramic Metal Halide (25W Interior): $30
Digital HID Lighting (Exterior): $200-$500
LED Lighting (Exterior): $75 - $200
Induction Fluorescent Fixture (Exterior): $100 - $150
Cold Cathode/Low Wattage LED Lamps (Exterior): $10
Sign Lighting: $10/incandescent replaced
LED Exit Signs: $25
Occupancy Sensors: $35
Maximum Incentive: 70% of cost for energy efficient lighting upgrades
Equipment Requirements: Eligibility for lighting products not listed in the Commercial Lighting Table must be handled on a site-specific basis.
Installation Requirements: Incentives are for Avista customers of rate schedules 11 or above.


Name: Avista Utilities
Address: PO Box 3727
Spokane WA 99220
Phone: (800) 227-9187
Email: rebates@myavista.com
Name: Camille Martin
Phone: (509) 495-4276
Email: lighting_incentives@avistautilities.com

This information is sourced from DSIRE; the most comprehensive source of information on incentives and policies that support renewables and energy efficiency in the United States. Established in 1995, DSIRE is operated by the N.C. Clean Energy Technology Center at N.C. State University.