Entergy Arkansas - Residential and Small Commercial AC Tune-Up in Arkansas - EnergyBot

Entergy Arkansas - Residential and Small Commercial AC Tune-Up

January 10, 2011


The Residential & Small Commercial A/C Tune-up Program is designed to increase energy efficiency by facilitating high-performance A/C and heat pump system tune-ups. Energy savings are achieved by identifying A/C and heat pump system inefficiencies during the tune-up evaluation and correcting the system inefficiencies. All heating, ventilation, and air conditioning contractors that serve Entergy Arkansas customers with central air conditioning or heat pump systems may apply to participate in this program. Participating contractors must sign a partnering agreement that specifies eligibility and program requirements. All Entergy Arkansas residential and commercial customers are eligible to receive incentives in this program. Customers agree to a high-performance tune-up evaluation from a program partnering contractor. The contractor conducts the high-performance system tune-up evaluation with program-specified tools and procedures. If the evaluation identifies system inefficiencies, the contractor advises the customer on recommended improvements. For eligible efficiency improvements, the customer receives an incentive dollars-off coupon. Eligible repair and improvements include work on blowers, coils, return grills, ducts, and turning vanes. Contact utility or program representative for other details and guidelines.

Program Overview

Implementing Sector: Utility
Category: Financial Incentive
State: Arkansas
Incentive Type: Rebate Program
Web Site: http://www.entergy-arkansas.com/your_home/RS_QS_ACTU_1.aspx
Administrator: CLEAResult Consulting
Start Date:
Eligible Renewable/Other Technologies:
  • Heat pumps
  • Air conditioners
  • Duct/Air sealing
Incentive Amount: Customer: $75
Contractor: Equipment discounts, best practices training, cash incentives
Eligible System Size: Any single compressor system without an economizer and VAV
Equipment Requirements: Partnering Contractors are required to own tools that meet the program toolkit requirements.


Name: Entergy Arkansas
Address: 8500 W. Markham St., Suite 303
Little Rock AR 72205
Phone: (501) 221-4002
Email: jkuonen@clearesult.com
Name: Residential Rebates
Address: PO Box 8101
Baton Rouge LA 70891-8101
Phone: (877) 212-2420
Email: HomeEnergySolutionsEAI@CLEAResult.com

This information is sourced from DSIRE; the most comprehensive source of information on incentives and policies that support renewables and energy efficiency in the United States. Established in 1995, DSIRE is operated by the N.C. Clean Energy Technology Center at N.C. State University.